Augmenting Creativity Blog post #8

In this week’s classes we focused on talking about assessment 3 and 4. I was able to finalise my group and finalise what we were thinking about doing. We have this idea of making a video with the vibes of Abstract, AI vs reality, Audio AI, Eerie and an Uncanny feeling to it. Following a story that we can each take videos for and video ourselves so that we can collaborate fairly. We decided to do a video because it made a lot more sense to one another because we were all more comfortable and confident in video rather than just audio. We thought this would be easier for the studio presentation as well.

We also had a speaker come in on Monday, Kate Geck who spoke to us about what she is doing and how it incorporates into ai. She focuses on design, art and research within ai. She was able to show us a lot of her cool projects that she had done through the years.  She showed us how she worked on fashion and projections within augmenting reality using 3D onto buildings. She spoke about how she makes speculations which I thought was really cool and interesting. She spoke to us how she incorporated ai with each installation that she showed us. She focused her discussion on machine learning which is a creative practice that explores alternative metaphors using ai. The way she does this is by thinking about different types of metaphors especially technology so that she can use those in her work.

Kate focused her talk on the butterfly knowledge and how she had incorporated this into her exhibitions. She showed us how much knowledge she has about butterflies and dissected each of their habits and how they live.  She has had many exhibitions using her butterfly knowledge “Impossible evolution’ 2022 which is a tapestry with the butterflies woven into it and it had a look that gave it a very digitalized feel.  The butterfly looked very machine made. It also took 6 months to make which I found amazing due to the amount of time and effort that would’ve influenced.

Overall, this week’s classes I found them to be very insightful. Listening to Kate’s talk on all the projects she has done and how much time and effort she put into each project was really inspiring and made me think about assessment 3,4 and how much effort and time this is going to take. Especially it being a group assessment I will need to be very communicative

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