Augmenting Creativity Blog post #1

As I missed the first week of augmenting creativity I had to learn from classmates and Daniel about the first week in the second week which was fine, and I was able to get a good and almost better insight that what I would’ve gotten if I hadn’t asked for any help or assistance. As everyone I had spoken to knew what I needed to know for this blog post it was easier gaining their insight about the programming and media four overview.

Looking at ‘Le wagon’ did hurt my brain a bit but it was good to look at the different types programming factors that we would be using in this class. The complexity of Le Wagon is something I can see myself struggling with if we are having to use it for future assessments, which I have read onto the course and am going to assume that we are going to code and learn JavaScript. As for JavaScript I feel like that is something that will be more understanding in my brain as I have lingered around the program before for other classes. Le wagon seems to be something of interest to other students and the class so I can see where other people found it and how they will be using it for future projects/ assessments for this course. But overall, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Le wagon and found it extremely difficult to use. Weather that be because I wasn’t in the classes for the first week and had to learn the program on my won in the second week is a high chance and possibility.

What I am hoping to gain out of this class is an overview on everyday ai and how it’s the new everyday life aspect that we are going to have to take into account with jobs and now that everyone is using it, I want to learn the fine line between different types of copyright especially with ChatGPT. I am excited to learn more about this media studio especially with each assessment rolling around quicker every week. This is definitely a newer concept in my mind, and it will be interesting to see how far my interest and knowledge of Gen Ai will go throughout the twelve weeks. The different types of development in Ai also sparks my interest especially the ones that we see on the news talking about jobs and how this type of Ai will be able to take over jobs in the next 15 or so years. Overall I am liking this class already and we are only in the second week as I’m learning something that seems to be more prevalent and useful that I would’ve thought coming into the class.

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