In this project I deliberately attempted to challenge myself with multiple pieces of software and found mix results because of it. My first learning curve happened…

My friend contemplates the change in physical identity that will come with her decision to get a tattoo.

Whilst getting feedback from my family members had been useful when it came to reorganising my thoughts and redirecting my editing, I was still a…

I grew up in the clutches of the Harry Potter phenomenon, my childhood stood side-by-side with the release of the books and movies. It was…

Project Brief 3 has been a stressful project for a perfectionist like me. I had given myself the task of understanding the After Effects interface…

A constant struggle in most of our lives is duality. Whilst we very much like things to be cleanly distinct and singular, the fact is…

The long take is an interesting tool when it comes to narrative. It brings film closer to its theatric roots by discarding cutting, yet also…

2016 brought my mind further into the political sphere than it ever had before, and I’m not alone. The 2016 US election had the world talking…

Smack bang in the centre of Spirited Away, arguably the most prominent eastern hand-animated film of all time, lies a scene that I have remembered…

In class this week we watched part of an old BBC documentary on cyber privacy and the privatisation of the once very public internet space….