In a short 7 weeks we have conceptualised, planned, produced, and edited a music video. It is interesting to see how the product we have…

Like many in the creative industries I am an introvert destined to rely on a broader and broader number of people the more successful I…

One of the hardest things for most creative jobs is the task of killing your darlings. For a piece of work to be greater than…

The dynamic between visuals and audio has been at the epicentre of my contemplation of music videos throughout this studio, and the most recent line…

You know how, when you get a certain type of car (or shoes, or anything really), then you see them everywhere? The same goes for…

Planning has been a major point of difference in quality between this production and the ones I have completed in the past so I am…

Production was an interesting experience for me due to the fact that I was in a role I had never been in before. I have…

Sometimes I don’t know what you see in me The loose knit of what TV used to mean You get caught up in the theme…

Obnoxious visual queues are one of the most obvious signs of a lack of creativity. Subtlety is an art that needs to be mastered in…

In the conceptualising process of our music video the word ‘duality’ came up a lot. The idea of becoming as overcoming inspires a sense of…