I was deciding between two options when it came to costuming – either a school uniform (which would need to be bought/borrowed, as I went to a casual clothes school) or graduation robes (which could be rented).
The graduation robes have a richer history, and are associated with someone moving from one point to another in their lives – from education into the big world of working and Having A Job. Which was nice symbolism to have – because the idea of the film is that she’s lost her innocence and has now conformed to society.
However, in Australia, graduation robes aren’t usually worn until University (in the States they are a part of the high school graduation ceremonies), so her wearing robes would make her seem older. Additionally, they’re dark and heavy – which kind of makes her seem as though she’s less pristine. The school uniform would seem more innocent, ergo make her seem younger – which was desired.
The uniform was also probably more relateable, because it is something that (vast majority) of Australia is used too.
Cinematically, the robes are also dark on a very dark set – so some colour in the uniform might be a good idea.
Finally, graduation robes can also be seen as positive – you’re moving on from one stage, to a more positive stage (adulthood), but lots of people have negative connotations with high school… which is why I ultimately chose to go with the uniform.
Which then came to the next point – colours, and type. School uniform – summer or winter – and sport. A large part of that decision became about what was available – which isn’t much. A summer dress would have been the most simple, sport would have been most comfortable for the character, and winter uniform would have been the most complex/detailed.
I never had a uniform (well, I did when I was eight… that doesn’t fit me anymore) so I knew that it had to be sourced. Though Target and Big W have “uniform supplies”, they’re mostly for primary school students. The dresses (very generic-looking) were just way too small.
I managed to get a vest, though (intended for a ten-year-old boy) that was fleece – which would work well with a light blue blouse. Then, a tie to cover up the rest (and a skirt, though it would largely be out of shot). That brought me to the women’s section, where I found the perfect thing… for $50.
After a while, I down graded to the possibility of a white blouse… then wondered what standard I could drop too next. But last minute (literally last minute) I found a light blue blouse on the discount rack for $5. It was slightly too big, but by the time a tie and the fleece was added… it would be fine. Ish.
Which was good enough.
That then brought me to set design. I spent a long time looking for Airbnbs that had two conjoining plain white walls and ideally no windows. It didn’t exist. It was but a mere fable. I also tried to rent a student room at RMIT – but the RUSU person was over an hour late with no explanation so I thought I had better things to do.
Like move my mum’s bed and gaffa tape doonas over the windows.
But hey, it worked.
Then it was finding a desk, and a chair. The chair was hard – and in the end I draped a blazer over it to disguise it. The table was from my Nonna – not perfect, but it did it’s job (the water stains are as it’s a old picnic table).