Deliberate Film – Assignment #1 – Post #4

After the first couple of weeks, I would consider that my way of editing is the one that changed the most. I went back to my old projects and examined from the organizing system to the editing sequences, in comparison to what is introduced in class; I found that there are differences as well as similarities.

In terms of the organizing system, I didn’t use to have the four folders – ‘Video Asset Folder’, ‘Export Folder’, ‘Sound and Music Folder’ and ‘Rubbish Folder’. Instead, I had one for videos which contains all the footage and one for audio which contains music and sound recording, while the exports were placed in the root folder. Also, if there are logos or still images I would have an individual folder for them as well. Now, the exported videos will be placed in ‘Exports Folder’ instead of lying around, and the separate ‘Rubbish Folder’ from ‘Video Asset Folder’ makes it easier to find useful footage among selected ones.

In terms of editing sequences, though I did always duplicate to create a new sequence every time I wanted to make major changes, I would not edit each scene individually. I look back to the sequences of my previous projects, I see several long sequences that contain all the shots where I used to work on. To be honest, that way of working never really cause me too much headache, but I think that is because they were small projects usually no longer than 8 or 10 minutes. If I were to edit a feature length film, or maybe even short film that is 20 or 30 minutes long, it would be painful to go back and forth on one long sequence. Now with this new system where I break the editing down to each scene before assembling them, it can save the trouble of finding a specific scene among the whole film. Although in a rough cut or final cut I will still need to look at them as a whole, I suppose it is important to save as much time as possible in any process of filmmaking.

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