Week 1 – The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The first weekly reading is wrote by a famous economist Klaus Schwab. He predicted how would the   fourth industrial revolution influence the society and world. He organized the list into three clusters: Physical, digital and biological to identify the megatrends and convey the broad landscape of technological drivers of the fourth industrial revolution. To move forward,Schwab explored the role that governments must assume to master the fourth industrial revolution, while recognizing the enduring forces that are changing the traditional perceptions of politicians and their role in society.

He has give some agile governance principles in an age of disruption,which some aspects, for example the economy, the security, the liability and some more. Finally, he discussed the most essence part of  the fourth industrial revolution, the relation of human and society.

From the weekly reading, the most interest me is the nature of work. Schwab believed “Today, the on-demand economy is fundamentally altering our relationship with work and the social fabric in which it is embedded.” which means people have more freedom to (or not to) work, they have more fixable time doing work. My personally, i think it would be a trend for future. My final year internship could be an evidence. And we can find it become more and more popular especially in China. I am an official account editor work for Wechat (wild use app in China) which means i managed  a micro message public platform. These kind of form has been replaced  any kind of commercial become the most popular and easier way of doing that. This would be a part of job which Schwab has mentioned in that chapter.


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