study 5

Study 5 is actually the upgrade version of study 4. In the middle check, the classmates as the users participate in our work and help us to improve the theme and other details. According to their advise, we change the the emotion “anger” into “awkward” which the system want to show, but the other parts keep the same. The angry face and peaceful face emojis still represent the users’ emotion, and the change between them makes users feel awkward. Also the whole system is only can be controlled by the size of the voice, this satisfied the requirements of hands free.

We also have improvements on the techniques’ detail. Based on the change before, we still keep observing the data change of the volume to adjust switch of the changing picture and stopping camera system to make system more sensitive, and we add the original texts—the explanation of the system first time in oder to teach users how to participate in the work. Lastly with Camille’s help we using the “presentation mood” as the new technique to improve our work, we use it to hide the lines and other connections to help present the meaning of this work.

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