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Analysis/Reflection #5


October 26, 2014 by sharona

Take screen grabs of each clip then upload to your blog the series of stills that show us ‘before and afters’ of your colour grading. Provide a few different examples of at least two different clips – each with a description of what you did to the clip and why.

This is a learning exercise, not necessarily a qualitative one, don’t stress – it is the act of doing it and the reflection on that, that is important.

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This is the original. It’s pretty washed out, since it’s one of the first days I was shooting and I didn’t have a complete handle on using the Sony videocamera yet.

The sky is very washed out, and there’s not a lot of colour in it.


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This is the second one. I’m a big fan of the Fast Colour Corrector, so that’s the primary tool I’ve used for my colour correcting.

I’ve toned the light down a lot, so it’s a bit more natural looking. I’ve emphasised the blues of the sea, and the sky looks a lot less over-exposed. I’ve saturated it a little more, so there’s a little more colour in it. However, it might be a little too dark, and a bit too blue.


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In this second one, I’ve tweaked the colours with the colour wheel so there’s a lot more warmth to it. This is a nice one but the sky’s still a little over-exposed. It’s also a little dull looking – especially the ocean.


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This last one is the final one for now – there’s a little more orange colour, the sky is not too over-exposed, and the ocean is still pretty blue.


“In 200 words or less please outline your goals, desires – what you want to get out of this semester. You will review this later in the course. You may rethink this dramatically – this is a good thing.”

You were asked this at the beginning of the semester. Now, could you review constructively what you got from this semester – has the course lived up to your expectations, delivered what you expected, maybe even surpassed it?

After Film-TV 1, I feel like I’m well equipped to handle Film-TV 2, and get even deeper into filming. Having that grounding, I feel like we can get really into the documentary. I quite enjoy documentaries, especially the more abstract and playful ones, and I feel that I could make a really great documentary in this course. I’d like to make an engaging documentary that we could possibly enter in a film festival!

I thought this course definitely lived up to my expectations. The exploration of more abstract elements, ideas and films was really useful for me, and I think the quality of films produced this semester jumped tremendously. I really enjoyed this semester and think that I have learnt a lot.

For example, I found the analysis/reflections in which we analysed various video clips to be excellent exercises. Doing the abstract exercises was really helpful as it led to a lot more critical thinking.

In regards to the film, I’ve put a lot of work into it, and think that it’s fairly engaging and something that I could possibly enter into a film festival.


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