
Symposium 0.1

This blog is being written (in my notes, because my wireless is off), sitting in todays lecture/unlecture/symposium (whichever term you wan’t to use really..).

Some ideas I took away from this:

. Science fiction IS a good example of Design Fiction 
. Design fiction more interested with the broader – opposed to Science Fiction which can be viewed as having a great interest in the actual technology. 
. As a society, we have to think through the complexity and future problems the world may encounter. 
. Media industries are experiencing disruption due to the internet, so we have to have the ability to think through scenarios 
Adrian put forward the question – ‘what do you think your job will be in 2015 when you graduate uni?‘ and suggested that thinking about Design Fiction in relation to the answer to this question is a good idea. This is one of the main ideas that stuck in my mind from todays discussion. And it does scare me a bit to think that in 2 and a half years, when I graduate, the jobs I was interested in now, will have significant changes to the way they operate and function. Especially with the way the world is constantly evolving with new technology and new programs, and even more so, especially because I’m still not 100% with what I want my career to be when I do finish this course. 
I guess todays symposium made me think about the future in a way I wasn’t really considering before hand, and it made me realise that Design Fiction is useful for more than just designing new things, but it is a helpful tool to use when simply  thinking of and contemplating the future as a world where we will be living.
So yeah, overall, today’s discussions were insightful, and I think I liked the way the session was run, a lot more than the previous weeks. I think the variety of opinions and thoughts made it slightly more engaging for me, and helped broaden my own thoughts on the subject matters.


In todays Unlecture, some pretty great ideas and thoughts were thrown out into the open, for us to either catch and run with, or for us to let slip by and forget about as soon as we walk out of the lecture theatre. I like to think that I caught some of the ideas, and carried them out with me. One topic that stuck with me from listening today, is that knowledge is constructed, and we construct it in the way we want to. We are all individuals, who all learn differently, and who all hold certain things in life to be important. We all know a lot about some things, and less about others. The notion that we all produce knowledge is intriguing, and this makes me even more excited to be able to have this blog and update it with information that I myself know and information that I can construct in a way that let’s other people learn and be slightly more knowledgable about certain topics, events or people.

The explanation from Elliot on Design Fiction also helped me understand more about the reading than I did at first when I read it. The concept of working on something with an idea of how the future is going to function, wanting to create something that is futuristic and yet somewhat helpful/useful in the world of today.

This unecture also gave me a few more ideas on what I can blog about in future posts. So on the topic of the unlecture being considered irrelevant by some, for me, I disagree, as I find it interesting and helpful to attend.

Unclecture #2

I found yesterdays ‘Unlecture’ to be really helpful! It really was!! Before walking into it I was still a lot confused with what I was supposed to, allowed to, or encouraged to post on this blog, but after having the question and answer session in the lecture, I feel so much more comfortable and confidant with what I can do with this course and this blog.

The discussion of some aspects of Media Law was also really interesting, and I feel like the information shared in this session will be hugely useful not only with the creation of this blog, but  also in the years to come with my media degree and work life outside of uni.

some brief notes on my thoughts of the unlecture:

  • I like how the unlecture functioned
  • I feel like it was a good way for us to get the questions we want answered, answered.
  • The more general questions were really helpful.
  • I liked the explanation of Media law
  • One suggestion of something that could be done differently in the unlecture I think is for the tutors to give us a theme or general area of topic, for us to then form questions that we would like to ask. I guess this would help make the session run a little more structured and help us think of appropriate questions to do with the theme/topic.
  • yeah, that’s pretty much all I have to say.
This entry was posted on July 31, 2013, in Unlectures.