Analysis & Reflection #2: Question 4 – Rolling.

To be honest I don’t recall much detail from my tute’s screening of ‘Rolling’ in week 1, however I do remember the basic plot idea. I enjoyed the simple stoyline, as I feel it was easy to follow and I’m sure quite easy to relate to for most people. The classic rom-com story idea where an individual, in this case a man, tries to talk to, and win over the girl he likes, leading him into an awkward and slightly embarrasing situation. I thought the plot worked well, with he man having to buy 50 rolls of toilet paper after a failed attempt at casually talking to the woman he is crushing on. In saying this however, I do feel like the attempts at creating a comedy were only half hearted, and this genre could have been made more bold or prominant throughout the course of the short film. The story worked well in the space of time it was told, and I believe the use of the two locations helped set the scene of the film quite well. This being said, I do think that the location of the small supermarket could have been something else all together, like a chocolote shop, or a florist, just to embrace the romantic aspect of the story the creators were trying to get accross.

These thoughts are from my very first opinion of viewing the film a few weeks ago, so they may be a little rusty, but all in all i think Rolling was a good short film, that told a laughable and relatable story.