Here we are, week 12, and at the end of the road for year 1. It’s a weird feeling, seems just like yesterday I was sitting here writing my first ever post for this blog. It’s been a fun ride! I have learnt quite a bit throughout this course, and I think that keeping this blog has given me a good space to come back to now and then and go over concepts or ideas that I may need to use in the future.
As this course is about embedding practice and learning to adapt to engage with this kind of work and this kind of work environment, I think it has been beneficial. I don’t exactly know how beneficial, but I do feel like my writing has been given space to improve. Many of the ideas covered in the past 12 weeks are still kind of foreign to me when I think about them, I don’t think I engaged with them in the way I should have, therefore leaving me a little confused. However, this blog has been fun to run and the whole course has been a learning experience. I will definitely be taking the things I have learnt here with me as I continue to grow and learn as a Media student.
This is definitely not my last blog post on here forever, just for a while. HOLIDAYS!