So, throughout this course we have been learning about networking, and how the web functions with the use of hyperlinks, where the world wide web is a giant playground, and at the click of a button we can be transported to a million different places and times. The internet is a revolution in which will keep evolving throughout time, and with it, we as people continue to learn and grow alongside it.
When it comes to networking and the whole idea that through the internet, we can meet, talk to, discover, and find so many various people around the world, one example that stands out in my mind is Justin Bieber. The kid who went from posting You Tube videos of his singing contest at the age of 13, to selling out worldwide arena tours in a matter of minutes. His story is one that has been plastered everywhere and if you haven’t heard of him then it’s safe to say that you’ve been living under a rock for the past 4 years.
Justin Bieber’s story is quite an amazing one, and it has a lot to do with this process of networking via the world wide web. His mum began posting videos to his You Tube channel after he sung in his local singing contest. These videos started to get lots of hits (views) and then suddenly people were sending him messages requesting more videos and more songs. The idea that people from all over the world could sit and watch this kid sing songs on his youtube channel was a true establishment of this concept, and then the fact that this would eventually lead into him being offered a record deal proves that networking actually is a big deal in society today.
However, after being offered his record deal, radio stations still would not play his first single, as there was no platform for a 14 year old kid to be catapulted into the charts with. So, this is where major networking came into play once again. All those ‘fans’ that had been tuning into his youtube videos and requesting songs, began writing into radio stations and tweeting and facebooking and spreading the word that THEY wanted Justin Bieber to be played on the radio. More and more people joined in and then suddenly Bieber had his own following, built from the ground up, purely on social networking sites. This following grew and grew and grew, and eventually he was played on one radio station, then two, then five, and then all over the world.
We live in a day ‘n’ age where the internet, and networking via social media sites, can play a giant role in our lives, and a major role in our careers. All due to networking on Youtube, and then branching out to twitter, this Canadian kid went from a 14 year old YouTuber, to a 19 year old global star.
And that’s the power of networking on the world wide web for you!
Where it all started – First ever You Tube Video posted on Justin Bieber’s user account – which now has
6 years since he posted his first ever youtube video, which launched him into the world of craziness he lives everyday now.