and again, thanks to my twitter, he knew who I was
Archive | September 2013
Before doing this reading, I recognised the authors straight away, as I have done a few readings by them for my Communication Histories and Technologies class. Once I began reading, I soon realised that the ideas discussed are similar to that of the ideas we have learnt about in Comm class. The main concept that there is a complex relationship between culture and technology is important, as technology and culture are definitely linked in the way they function in society. I think that technology can only be created and expanded within a society where the culture plays a role, and influences, helps, and/or guides the process. Murphy and Potts introduce the term ‘Technoculture’ in their reading, and this quite nicely embraces the whole idea that technology and culture are intertwined.
No limit
A main idea that I took from this weeks symposium is that – The Internet has no limit. I guess I knew this in a way, but never really thought about it until now. The idea that the internet is a space where information is stored, produced and shared, by people all over the world, is quite amazing, and to think that this has no limit, that it can just keep growing and expanding, is even a little more amazing. We can keep filling the internet with stuff, and it will just keep expanding, and I found this idea seriously striking in the symposium.
Old VS New
My dad and I were having a conversation the other day, about society these days and how we communicate. As he is in his early 50’s, and I’m 19, it was really clear to see the difference in opinion and observation when it came down to the point of discussion.
To me, using your phone to text, Facebook message, tweet, email, etc, is a perfectly normal way of communicating. But to my dad, he see’s the use of phones and social media making people more anti-social. He feels that texting all the time and talking to people via text on social networks, is not equipping us with the basic ability to strike up a conversation face to face.
When we were talking about this, I got really defensive, and wanted my dad to understand that to me, texting and social media communication has somewhat improved the way we communicate with each other in todays society. I feel like it has made the world a smaller place to live, and has opened up a world of new possibilities, and ways for us to keep in contact with people from our past and present, and meet new people who could play significant roles in our future. To me, the world is a much more social place these days.
By the end of this discussion, my dad and I both got our points across, but both didn’t really agree with each other. Which is fine by me. I’m sure this discussion will come up many more times in our household.
more Nikki #3 stufff
Niki #3 stufffff
Readings week 8
This weeks reading’s didn’t really strike me as very interesting, and I personally found it quite difficult to read through it all and comprehend it all. However, I guess the main point intended to get across from reading these was to highlight how the network was/is created, through the intricate intertwining of links and the way power laws play a role in the bigger picture, including self organisation of networks. Maybe I read them at a time when I didn’t have a clear head or maybe my mind just doesn’t fully want to comprehend the ideas put forward here, so I’m not really 100% sure what exactly I learnt form these readings.
But it’s okay. Just a bump in the road I guess.
The Small-World Problem…..
cluster of friends, each based on shared experience, location or interests.
This entire idea by Watts is quite relevant to me and my life as of right now. As I have posted about before, I am an avid user of social networks such as Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram – and can say that due to this, I have met many new friends from all over the world – all because we share the same ‘interest’ – we all have the same favourite band!
As I have also already mentioned before, I have a twitter called @Team_JoelMadden, and by using this social network, I have been introduced to some of my best friends in my life today. I met my best friend in the whole world because of this, and my band, Dear Jane, all came together because of mutual friends and twitter. It is kind of crazy when I think about it, but it is true that i wouldn’t of met and become really great friends with so many people if it wasn’t for social networking and twitter. This small-world problem talked about in the Watts reading, is quite relevant in my life today, and due to this, I feel like I understand it pretty well.
Location, Location.
‘Locative media are digital media applied to real places and thus triggering real social interactions.’ – Wikipedia.
My group for our 2nd Nikki are focusing on the term ‘Locative Media.’ When first hearing this, I thought of media such as photos being posted on social networking sites, embedded with the location of where the actual photo was taken, or even where the person is at the time of posting said photo. However, after researching into this term a bit more, it is really fascinating and quite amazing how locative media works and what it can actually do. Locative media can help describe the history of a certain location a person stands, give advice for places around the location, such as restaurants, shops, and cafes. Locative media is used pretty much every day throughout the Western World and I think it’s actually a really awesome addition to technological devices.