The Online Phenomenon

Online influence has been a subject heavily debated in the media. The online media is drastically changing the fashion industry and the way consumers interact with fashion brands. Fashion Bloggers are no longer hid behind the screen of their computers.


Fashion editor with Fashion Blogger, Bryanboy.

With the growth of social media phenomena surrounding the fashion industry, possibly none has received more attention than the rise of the fashion blogger. The immediacy of online coupled with the ease of self-publishing has generated an entirely new fashion discourse. Today bloggers sit front row at fashion weeks and their commentary commands enormous readerships and influence.

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The emergence of fashion bloggers hit the fashion real hard, affecting everything to how brands market themselves online. Digital trends has influenced the public relations practices for fashion brands to incorporate the use of style bloggers as curators. As bloggers have the power to comment on and represent contents to their audience and with the benefits of social media as a public relations tool, fashion bloggers have created a unique celebrity-type following for them.

Fashion 101

1. Fast Fashion


2. High Fashion


Bloggers promote both high and fast fashion, which, originally, depended on their individual economic means. This results in the dilution of the value of high fashion, and when one is unable to tell the difference between a designer product and it’s low cost knockoff.

In order to curb the problem, there are designer public relations, who liaise with bloggers and send them free collection pieces, which are then modeled on their blogs.

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