Unlecture Episode 1

Having to miss a week of lecture due to personal issues and a fantastic holiday back in Singapore, its been an emotional roller coaster for me to settle down. Trying to get back the momentum for school…
I have read the questions from the unlecture and it scares me that I will be lost in my train of thoughts, and not being able to focus in the lecture.  Coming back to class, I have heard many negative feedbacks that it is rather dry.
However, I’m ready for a change but somewhere in between the horror I felt when Adrian said these lectures probably won’t ever have any lecture slides (me being really OCD about my note-taking, I found it really hard to focus and process without my personal notes to refer) and he assumed that after leaving RMIT, we would never want to touch an essay ever again. Probably, yes for me.
It made me think that sometimes, somewhere when we are kicked out of our comfort zone, we are forced to survive in an unfamiliar environment. What happens is whether we want to try and improve. It is all up to us!

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