My little Confession

Attending the last semester of school, I am stuck between procrastinating and being constantly diligent with my work. As a late boomer unlike my friends, I have been placed to take network media at the last semester. I have been hearing numerous stuff about this module and have been dreading to take it. Since the third week of school, I realised that I have like 12blog posts to catch up as I am very far behind. I used to procrastinate starting a blog for personal use.  Now that I know I have to do it because it is graded, it has dragged me to a whole new level. I thought to myself, why do we have to do this? Isn’t it redundant?

Well, now I’m taking everything back. I am thankful for pushing me to pen down my thoughts and think out of the box. Analyse and realise that every situation has more than what it seems. They say writing down your thoughts helps u to paint a picture. Its kind of therapeutic after awhile. Now it all makes sense.

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