Augmented reality

Augmented reality is an artificial view of the physical world . It alters our visual experience on an everyday basis. It is defined as a composite, or false view of the world created by computer-generated images, in real time. The real time mixing of computer generated and real world information.  With the entire world literally living out of a computer generated information during live broadcasts of news and sporting events.

As smartphones becomes an essential for many, the use of mobile Augmented Reality (AR) applications has increased. When you are situated at a unknown location, and you are searching for a restaurant, simply  search for a google map and it will navigate your current GPS location. It also points out all the restaurants near you.

Google has the ability to easily control, restrict and censor information in Google Earth and Street View; because the information is static and does not change very often. The ability to freely associate virtual information with physical locations, and then anonymously share it with others, creates opportunities for AR to be used in unintended, illegal and sinister ways.  Imagine the possibilities, if “ free speech” included the right for anyone to plaster buildings with posters and signs, containing content of their own choosing.  Now imagine if everyone except you knew what the signs and posters said.  Or if you were unaware that such material was stuck to the side of your home or business.  That is the threat posed by mobile AR applications.  And it is not going to get better, anytime soon.

Think about it. Would you want to rely solely on augmented reality?



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