Bit Coin – 2021 It’s not a Rocket Surgery

The whole process was pleasant and efficient. Although Liam pointed out a lot of problems in the first skit that Kyle filmed, he made timely corrections and finally Liam was very satisfied. At the end, the video processing and editing work was also completed. I mainly added some detailed sound effects, background music and some subtitles, the addition of transitions, and the color toning of the video. I do think the subtitle of our video us necessary, cause there are all new words for people to learn as a explaining video, the subtitle would help people a lot. After communicating with each other, I also tried several editing sessions, everyone is satisfied with the final results. I think the video of our group is quite successful. In this process, I also enjoy working with them. Everyone is happy to communicate. This is a very meaningful assignment. Although we made a video explaining something that I didn’t understand at all, I also achieved my goal and learned a lot in the process. I also hope that this video can help people like me who dare not try stocks.

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