A word in edgeways

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“Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element…”  Walter Benjamin, ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’  This week’s lectorial was based around remix which was particularly relevant to me… Continue Reading →

The Last Class

In our final media 1 class we had completed our second draft. New footage, voice over discussing ethics and a case study had been added. The case study was particularly relevant as it featured remix in a popular ad campaign… Continue Reading →

A Work in Progress

Our first draft for Project #4 has been completed and we now have a rough idea of what our final product will look like. The draft includes our own mash up, an explanation of what remix is and takes a… Continue Reading →

A Change of Mind

In this week’s tutorial we brainstormed some ideas for project #4.We created a mind map and came to the conclusion that we would focus on advertising texts. However this soon changed after successfully putting together our artefact element. We had… Continue Reading →

In this week’s first Media 1 Lectorial (a hybrid class held in a lecture style with hands on activities embedded in to it I’m told), the course objectives were outlined and we were given insight to the three year degree… Continue Reading →

A Portrait of Mitch

I believe I demonstrated my subject’s passion for music quite well. I chose to focus my media product around this passion as it is a very big part of his life and something that he is very enthusiastic about. Furthermore… Continue Reading →

Self Portrait 2.0

The media product I created is a rather eclectic collection of how I perceive myself. I decided to take this approach as I do not think that I am able to narrow myself and identity down to a particular theme… Continue Reading →

Breakdown of Self-Portrait

Audio Netball -Netball is a very big part of my life and something I’m incredibly passionate about -This audio is a small look into the fast paced nature and excitement of the game -The game depicts sounds of shoes scrapping… Continue Reading →

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