‘Film 3’ gives away little idea of its content by its title. However, two weeks in I’m beginning to understand exactly what its all about and its everything I’d hoped for when first applying for an RMIT Media and Communications degree. The ratio of theory to practical work is ideal for me as I’m getting a valid explanation of how to work equipment and analyse film whilst getting to exercise what I’m learning. From this course I want to learn professionalism that is required for the industry such as proper protocol for shooting. Furthermore I want to gain confidence in working with technology and handling equipment in a way that will ensure others’ and the equipment’s safety. Currently Im slightly unsure of myself and am hesitant with the technology, however Paul’s encouragement of “be cool, don’t be a tool” is spurring me on to have confidence and try to appear as if I know what Im doing. I’d like to improve on my post production skills in terms of saving, backing up, importing and exporting as these have been something I’ve struggled with and been burnt by in the past.

This course will also help to develop my competency in analysing and applying production techniques. Im excited to explore the possibilities of applying techniques an practises not typically associated with certain forms and deviating from the norms of filmmaking.
I’m incredibly eager to plan and make my own short film later in the semester. However, I want to get maximum benefit from class exercises before this so I’m able to critically analyse media as a result of making my own projects. From this course I would primarily like to learn from projects I make now when mistakes will have little impact rather than later when they could be devastating.