Whilst I had initially thought that I would interview a fellow colleague of my artist to add another texture to my portrait, I have now decided against it. Originally, I had thought that this interview with a friend of my artist would be a nice way of showing another perspective of my artist. However, upon realising that I have twenty-five minutes of interview footage with Megan and a three to four minute window to fill, I’ve come to realise that I will have nowhere to put it. Whilst I would have loved to add this extra layer to my portrait, it would be at a means to an end. My artist’s colleague would receive very little ‘air-time’, as I wouldn’t want to detract from Megan herself. Whilst I’m disappointed I’m unable to include this, I’m pleased that I do have more than enough material to easily fill the brief. This amount of material however, is as much a blessing as it is a curse. After sitting down and watching my interview with Megan, I couldn’t find any part I wanted to cut out. Everything she said was inspiring, eye-opening and telling about her character. Amongst all this footage, I also had a narrative arc to carve out. I very slowly started to chip away at the interview and whittled it down to seventeen minutes. After four more attempts at this, I eventually cut it down to an ideal three minutes and had a narrative arc after scribbling endless notes. Now all I have to do is add music, cut aways, artwork and archive stills, credits and so much more. I foresee a lot of my time in the next few weeks being spent in the edit suits.