Week 5
In week 5 we spent the whole of our Tuesday class testing out different lighting gadgets. We set up a few different pieces of equipment that each functioned in a different way as well as creating a different effect for lighting. The lighting equipment I spent most of my time on was a softbox lighting kit which was connected through a little remote to the camera and flashed when a picture was taken. I never realised how different lighting made pictures seem. Although the cameras are amazing, without the lighting the photos looked dull. With the lighting, the pictures looked as if they had been taken in a studio professionally. As well as following the ‘lighting handout’ we received we were able to create different effects for the photographs as we changed the position of the softbox and the camera. If the lighting was moved to create shadows (on the side or from a very high or very low position) the photos looked creepier and darker. If the softbox was moved only slightly to the side or directly front on, the face was well lit and gave the ‘professional’ effect. We also got to play around with the reflector kits, it was very interesting to see in particular using the silver or gold one. Depending on the outfit or tone of the person, the gold and silver reflectors either complimented the person or created a strange tinge to the images. The class was very fun, I have never experimented with lighting before, and it gave me a lot of new knowledge I would have never known otherwise. The reading of the week, ‘Reading the photobook’ (Badger, 2011), also gave great insight into the idea of a photo essay and how we consume this type of media. I liked the idea of the media form not having rules, no particular way to create one, “it doesn’t matter, you can do absolutely what you want. It’s all fiction anyway.” (Badger, 2011).
Badger, G 2011, “Reading” the photobook