Documentation Post 3 – Week 9

On Monday, we made great process in terms of plot-line with our story. ‘The Trip‘ (temporary title), was going to be about a group of friends (Adam, Josh, Millie Bobby and her ‘friend’ Kevin), who decide to take the newly-popularised psychedelic drug for the first time. As the come-up begins to happen, every character begins to react quite differently. Kevin, the ‘seasoned veteren’ of the group begins yapping Millie Bobby’s ear off about his favourite consipricity theories, as Adam & Josh begin to feel a little off. Millie Bobby, frustrated, removes herself from the environment leaving the boys alone. Freaked out, the Adam and Josh turn to the professional, Kevin, for comfort. Only to find, Kevin is having his own ego-death nightmarish experience. The doorbell is rung and the boys are freaked out. Who could it be? Kevin is pressured to open the door only to find an Uber delivery man with food for Millie Bobby. This is when they realise Millie Bobby has been missing for some time now. Hungry and wanting comfort, they take the food out of the Uber delivery man’s hand, the uber delivery man is not happy with this. The boys are then chased by the uber delivery man until they escape from him with Kevin’s fatal throw to his head. They end up in a tunnel, where they are further tripped out until they walk through and find a park. They see Millie Bobby until they walk further and see they have mistaken her for a plastic horse at the park. This is when they realise Millie Bobby must be found. After an inspirational speech, they are determined to find her. Going through a tunnel of adventures and dimensions, the boys eventually end up at the beach. (STILL WORKING ON THIS SCENE). They end up back at the house after Kevin says he needs to pee. This is when they realise, they didn’t check the bathroom. They go into the bathroom to find Millie tripping out by herself, locked in there. This is when it is found out the boys had greatly exaggerated their adventures due to the drugs, their world had been distorted.

Angus said he’d create the vomit script for this, with dialogue. We also got done some good potential locations for our film, which we have to contact.

By Wednesday, Angus had written out a pretty solid vomit script. We then started to write our first draft based off of the vomit script. Adding in jokes, which included taking a while choosing which conspiracy theories we wanted Kevin to talk about. We still have to work on the middle of the script, we are still not sure what happens in the beach scene. That is something we are going to have to work on before Monday (the presentation). I also finished putting together the presentation for Monday introducing our piece and answering the questions on Canvas. We are going to finish our first draft of our script by the weekend so we are able to benefit from feedback from the panel about our story and then we are able to read it out to them in whole.



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