I was unfortunately not able to attend the first two classes, so I am unable to review class discussions or exercises. Nonetheless, I found the two readings extremely insightful and interesting. The first reading, ‘Photomeditations’ by Joanna Zylinska shed light on the ‘meaning’ of photography being argued and debated by many scholars and educators. “To live is to be photographed, to have a record of one’s life, and therefore go on with one’s life oblivious, or claiming to be oblivious, to the camera’s nonstop attentions” (Sontag, 2004). I particularly connected to the reading’s point of photography being a part of life, especially in the modern age. Whether it be with passport photos or Instagram posts, evidence of your life through photography is something that is close to unavoidable. Photomediation theorises that “photography as a diverse practise that not only changes ‘everything’ but that also undergoes constant change.” (Zylinska, 2016). I believe this discusses that because photography is so adaptive and ever-changing, photographs themselves can even change over time.
The next reading was a short video, ‘The Decisive Moment’ by Henri Cartier Bresson. This interview was particularly fascinating to me as he discussed his personal experience with photography as a very successful and famous photographer. I appreciated his honesty in capturing a moment, “It’s a relation between your nose, your eyes, the window behind, and that’s my pleasure; to establish these relations. And, sometimes there’s no picture, there’s no picture.” (Bresson, 1973). He explains how the smallest movement or gesture can entirely change the visual composition of a photo, and capturing a moment is a very difficult thing to do, sometimes it doesn’t work; there is “no picture”. He continues to describe his quick and impulsive nature he has while he works, “It’s (photographs) are a more personal story – quick thinking. There’s a whole world in it.” or, “It’s an instinct” (Bresson, 1973). The quote that particularly resonated with me was his description of capturing portraits of people in their own environment or element, “you have to try and put your camera between the skin of a person and his shirt, which is not a very easy thing.” (Bresson, 1973). Some of my personal favourite photographs exhibit people in their homes or their own environment. I find these photographs to be more touching, more story-telling and often speak for themselves.
Kamila Kuc & Zylinska, J 2016, Photomediations : a reader, Open Humanities Press.
bt465 2016, HENRI CARTIER BRESSON – The Decisive Moment 1973_2007, YouTube.