Summary Women in Media!

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Please see above a collection of images from throughout the entire seminar process. Some of the photos are from our film shoot, some are from meetings that we had regularly and a final group shot of everyone after our seminar!


I thoroughly enjoyed this whole experience. Leading up to the seminar was chaos – organising technical equipment, marketing and finalising the questions that we were going to ask the guests. Once the seminar began, the rest was out of my control. We had a meeting early on in the week leading up to the seminar. In this meeting Mollie went through everyones roles on the day and what needed to be done prior. We went through the existing questions for the interviewees with Prani and Mollie and I helped to tweak them. Although, there wasn’t much to be said at this meeting and not many people could make it, it was helpful to all be on the same page with what was going on.

I agreed to meet Mollie early Friday morning to help her print and cut up the brochures. Mia met us as well and we did this before our meeting commenced at 11:00am. I was in charge of collecting the gear from building 9 tech room and taking it over to building 80. Everyone arrived and as a big team effort we split off into our departments carrying the tech gear, sets and props across to building 80. Prior to the seminar was a huge rush. It was chaos. Everyone was running around trying to set everything up. I set up the video cameras. I kept them relatively close together. I didn’t have much breadth with the cameras as the lighting set up restricted my coverage. I set up a camera for Kim to use and I used the other one. I filmed the wide shot and Kim swapped between two shots of the guests and mid close ups. Once the seminar concluded I quickly off loaded all of the footage and still images from all of the cameras onto my hard drive. I knew that this would be very time consuming and needed to be done efficiently.

I was very impressed with our seminar. Overall, I thought the content and discussions that Prani generated were very insightful and inspiring. There was a diverse panel which allowed for a conflict of views at times. The issues raised and discussed were very interesting. Mitu’s comments on culture within film resonated with me. Over the weekend I watched a film and was consciously looking for a multicultural cast.

At the beginning of the seminar I was worried that it would be too directed to females. Prior to the seminar, we actually restructured some of the questions to not be as direct and to cater for a male audience as well. I was impressed by Helen’s comments on the issue by saying that the timid nature of females in a classroom is also evident in some males. The comments raised by all of the guests were relevant to both males and females.

Overall, we had a very efficient group. Everyone was passionate about producing an engaging seminar and therefore most people put in 100% to their area. A good example of this is on Monday after the seminar we arranged to edit the highlight reel for our seminar. Mollie and I met early and offloaded all of the footage. Matthew and Mia met us and we all began editing. Throughout the day people from our group drifted in and out contributing to the edit. Sam set up the timeline so that it was all synced and everyone could trim the quotes that they liked. In the end, it was a group effort. A majority of the group arrived and edited the reel around their other classes. We exported the highlight reel at the end of the day!

It was interesting to see everyone slot into their positions of expertise. There was the tech savy people (I slotted in here), the social media people, the graphic design people etc… I think we were lucky to have such diverse qualities amongst the group. Over the entire process, I think I missed 1 or 2 meetings. I didn’t want to let the team down by not showing up. It was important to contribute your ideas to the discussions during the meetings. Mollie was incredible! She oversaw every component of the seminar. She kept us up to date on our group Facebook page. This is where, if a job needed to be done, people would volunteer.

I feel as though I have contributed well to the seminar group. I made sure that I was reliable and approachable. I enjoyed the whole process and have become closer to my peers as a result.

Job well done team! It was a good team effort.


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