Over the past three weeks the momentum has been slow. With so many people in our group it is easy for everyone to jump in and fly five steps forward! The first week consisted of everyone working out our strengths and weaknesses. We all wanted to be on the same page with what we wanted to get out of our seminar. So we asked, from what industries did we want our guests? A majority of our group were interested in film, although there were also some people interested in photography, fashion and journalism. We all put forward ideas of potential guests and were asked to provide the group with a short pitch of why that person would be an asset to our seminar. I chose the Producer of ‘The Dressmaker,’ Sue Maslin. ‘The Dressmaker’ was a predominantly female driven crew and this is why I thought she would be ideal for our seminar. Unfortunately the premiere of ‘The Dressmaker’ is featuring in Toronto on the week of our seminar. I didn’t feel that I contributed too much to the first week besides basic ideas for guests. I attended the meeting and contributed to the Facebook group page.
The second week I was EXTREMELY sick for the entire week. I fell behind on ALL of my course work but I am slowly catching up. I was consistent with contacting our team leader, Mollie, to let her know that I wouldn’t attend the meeting. By the sounds of it, half of our group was also sick that week so I don’t think Mollie was overly worried. The REAL work has just begun.
This week we saw the first seminar, ‘Social Media’. There was a lot to be learned from this seminar. In our meeting that followed this seminar we discussed the positives and negatives of their seminar and how we can use this constructively in order to better ours. We then put the message around to everyone – JOBS. We allocated all of the major departments and jobs that would need to be done in order to pull off a great seminar! First thing’s first, the poster. Two girls volunteered for this. These girls have experience with print and graphic skills. We are still trying to establish our guests. We have one guest confirmed and are waiting for two more. A few too many guests have declined due to being interstate or overseas. I have put forward an idea for a guest who I know personally and who I think would be delighted to attend. This is a back up if our other guests decline. Knowing my strengths and weaknesses I put down myself to be apart of the visual & audio team who will be in charge of producing the promotional video. I have also put myself down to help with the production side of the event. Sam is overlooking this and has my name down to help with anything. This will mean that I will help on the day with film recording & setting up and anything prior to the day. I also put my name down for food, to help Mia with cooking food for the day. We all put our names down for the various roles and off we went! It has been so difficult to gather everyone together for meetings etc… We have set up group chats and pages on Facebook in order to communicate with everyone. Last night I had an idea for the promotional video. My idea was that we use our host, ‘Prani’ and follow her through RMIT trekking up flights and flights of stairs (because the escalators are out of service). She passes other people on the stairs who have given up. When she finally makes it up the top floor she barges through to a tutorial room and asks, “WOMEN IN MEDIA?” and the people reply with “That’s in building 80”. We close the video with text of the location and time of the event including the logo design of the ‘Epic Adventure’.
I thought that this idea could be quite satirical and would relate to RMIT students very easily. I think that they would find the little references quite humorous. We could even have Prani getting a coffee on the way up at the Library in building 8. Yes, this idea appeals mainly to RMIT students but I believe that’s where we will find most of our public guests. The seminar is about JOBS IN MEDIA so it is relative to students. I have put the idea forward to the video group and am waiting to hear everyones thoughts. I have given people the option to nit pick the idea, to add to it or put forward their own ideas. As we only have a week to make this I think people will go with it. It would be easy to produce, as we wouldn’t need to worry about rights to film. It should only take a couple of hours and we shouldn’t be in the way of other students. Filming equipment can be easily borrowed and returned. Maree has offered her equipment that we can use as well. I put the word out to the video group, asking what everyones strengths are – there might be someone who has really good skills with lighting, sound, camera or editing. I am happy to contribute to any form of the production process so wherever we fall short with this, I will complete the tasks. I am hoping to film next Thursday or Friday before class at 3:30pm. The video can then be edited over the weekend and posted the following week. I am going to ask RMIT if they would show the video on the main webpage for RMIT. This may be difficult but we may as well try! We would have far more exposure if this is accepted.
That is all the information that I have for now so until next week! ADIOS