Working Script – ‘Euphoria’

SCENE 1 – EXT. Park bench. DAY

A cool, windy Autumn day. ROSIE (21) rests her head on a park bench. The Autumn leaves sway around her.

She awakens and lifts her head. She looks around her location, confused and anxious.

No one can be seen. There is a lake nearby, down the hill of the park. A large over hanging tree surrounds her. A slight breeze brushes through her hair. The leaves sweep passed her face.

ROSIE touches her cheek. Curious by her location she turns her body and places her feet firmly on the ground. She is not wearing shoes. Her toes are immersed in the pile of leaves collected on the ground.

ROSIE stands, first with hesitation and then pushing herself off the park bench, she stands with confidence.

She walks over to the hanging tree and grasps it, looking around anxiously.

ROSIE circles the tree once and then looks down to the lake. With an empowering urge she begins to run down towards it.


ROSIE awakens. She is sitting on the park bench once again. ROSIE is disorientated and frustrated. The over hanging tree engulfs her.

She turns to look around. Her wheel chair is next to the bench waiting for her.

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