Week 8

This passed week has been huge in terms of progression of my personal scene. This will be discussed in my ‘Method of Working’ post. In class this week we focused on experimenting with focus pulling exercises. Unfortunately I have already completed these exercises in my first year of the ‘Diploma of Screen and Media’. Being familiar with the theory and practical aspects of focus pulling, I have been a bit disengaged. I helped my group work through the exercises. Mustafa is very interested in learning more about cameras and cinematography. It was great working with him on these exercises.

As I have been working with my Canon 5D lately, it is interesting coming back to real video cameras. The focus is far more precise and the manual use of exposure, focus, white balance and the zebra is more effective than trying to set these up on a DSLR (and lack of zebra). I am enjoying working with the two different cameras.

Next Friday I am filming at the Australian Directors Guild Awards ceremony. We will be shooting interviews and parts of the ceremony. This will be a great experience as it will test my ability to adapt to unpredictable conditions. The response from everyone participating in the awards may not be positive towards us. We will need to network our way around everyone to cover enough valuable footage that can be used for their disposal in the future. Adapting shots with a myriad of constraints will be a good exercise for me.

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