April 17, 2015 – Location Scouting
On Wednesday after class I went on a hunt for potential locations. The purpose of this task was to help generate ideas for the script. Unfortunately, the building that I was intending on shooting is under construction. Dim times.
Below are some images of the locations that were of immediate interest to me.
I really liked some of the locations for their historical look/feel. The buildings are quite desolate. I like the look of the blue stone. In terms of actually shooting in these locations I need to take into consideration…
– Light: Depending on what time of day I shoot, the sun can be quite harsh. In the last photo you can see that the sun is causing too much contrasting light onto the building. These photos were taken at around 3:30pm.
– The first four photos were taken in a busy area near where students were having lunch and relaxing. I may need to consider sound continuity and perhaps look into post sound editing. I will also consider this when writing the script.
– There wasn’t much room for movement within most of these locations. I would be confined to one area of the location. This may contradict my use of the moving camera or it may actually provide a better working environment.
– There was a long ‘alleyway’ type walk through. This looked aesthetically pleasing. It was quite dark and ominous with narrow walk ways and overgrown plants onto the brick walls.
I will sit down and using these images, I will be brainstorm film screenplay ideas. This will be my next task over the weekend.