Week 10 / AT3 Blog Post 4

Feedback received! After our presentation to our guests on Monday, we have had a lot to chew on. A lot! Some good, some bad, but all tangible to our the furthering of our artifact. In terms of script feedback, which as having a background in screenwriting, I took the most onboard, a number of things were pointed out. Pacing has been prioritized, tonal cohesion and narrative structure have been reworked for greater architecture, and we’ve refreshed dialogue to ground the script in normalcy. I feel the script has entered an adolescent stage, where everything is becoming much clearer and aligned, joke clarity is emphasized, and certain scenes and punchlines are edited for practicality’s sake, compared to where previously some whole scenes were murky and undercooked. The entire theme is pitching; less is it a dramady coming-of-age work of subtlety, but more an observationalist, quirked up comedy with a big slice of youthful heart, within our intentions at least.

As we scream closer to the final weeks, not so metaphorically, we aim to begin the production stage with haste. While our scope of works is fairly tight, intentionally so, we feel it’s much more liberating to all of us if we cracked on sooner rather than later, we do have other classes after all. As such, we’re arranging shoot dates as I type, with a keenness to commence as soon as possible.

I speak on my own behalf for this bit, but having a script read for a comedy and being able to hear a pin drop is a fate worse than chess. Agonizing! Though in a lot of ways this was intentional, the type of humour that gets under your skin and makes you uncomfortable similar to Office UK was part of our original idea, though when it comes to the table read, I just go beet red. I think that has affected our group psychology a bit, as there’s a larger stress on conventional jokes, but if any takeaway from this week is certain, it’s that the artifact is in a much better place.

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