Lentara Studio: Day One

Trains. Can’t trust them.

It can never be good enough to plan to be on time when you have elements out of your control. But this is what I did. I planned to arrive at my first Studio class for the year right on 8.30am. Silly me for thinking Melbourne’s public transport system runs similar to Japan, where efficiency is apart of the day to day ritual. A day in the train life of Melbourne went like this… delayed train followed by a re-routed train that meant switching trains all led to my class arrival time being 8.40am. I was 10 minutes late to the studio which was my main preference, The Lentara Studio.

Aside from train life, the Lentara studio began with the students from the Media program briefly introducing themselves and later on we met our counterparts from the Design program. We had a collaboration exercise to find out what skills the opposite program offered and it would put up on a list. The end list would suggest there’s a great deal of knowledge between both programs. Our job now would be to get in our allocated groups and do what we do best and show Lentara what we can offer.

But next time I’ve got to be early.

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