Week 4: Day 2 Filming

Tuesday 24th January

Day 2 began somewhat rocky from my perspective. The previous night we agreed to meet at RMIT at 9am. Belinda and Karl were going to be at Vic Market at 10:30am, but we still had to pick up all the gear we needed to use. I got to the loan office at 9:20 but my other two group members reported in saying they will be late and arrive at 10am and 10:20am. Not wanting to delay our schedule, I opted to carry all the equipment from RMIT to Vic Market myself. I was carrying three different cameras, three lenses, boom mic and recorder, two tripods and a slider.

I regret doing this. Not only could it be bad for my body physically, but it contributed to the lack of teamwork that morning. Even though we would have been late, it would have been better if we were late as a team and we all carried the equipment there as a team. Share that responsibility. And a lesson that could have been taken from that is that you can’t rely on one person picking up the slack and letting you off the hook. Will their attitude change the next time? Not much. But what if they go into the next assignment knowing that the team can’t move forward if individually they’re not moving forward or aren’t there on time? That would be a lesson in teamwork.

Anyway, with the actual filming… after seeing the footage that we got, I feel there were things we could have done differently or opportunities we missed. As Rohan said, interview shots should have included a close up locked off shot of Belinda and Karl. The sony camera could have been used as the close up camera, while the DSLR could have been the mid shot. Also while we got lots of footage of the donut process, we didn’t get as many cutaway shots of Karl and Belinda. A perfect opportunity that slipped my mind was when Belinda and Karl said they were going to go for a walk around the market. We should have had a camera follow them. That would have been perfect.

So the next step is to start indexing the footage that we have and piece it together and get more cutaway footage of the family if the opportunity arises.

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