Week 2: The Interview (Lecture Notes)

Week 2 – Tuesday 12th January

Not advised to give questions beforehand. Answers will come across as scripted
Instead explain the theme and topic to the interviewee

Show interviewee that you are invested in their story. Empathise. Show you have done research

Interview setup

Point directional Mic as close to subject

Hiding the mic:
Use felt material (Moleskin) to hide mic under shirt

Room recording of 30s for atmosphere

Input one – Shotgun mic
Input two – Lapel mic

  • Ask for full questions
  • I need you put the question in the answer
  • Demonstrate what a full sentence is. Include the question and describe beyond the question.
  • Navigate interviewee through process
  • Tell you how you want the question answered
  • Tell them where the eye contact is
  • Tell them they can pass on a question, but state that there isn’t a question that would be
  • Ask questions from iPhone
  • Use facial expressions
  • Be silent. You have set up the situation. You allow interviewee to fill the silence


Interview questions:

  • Start with context questions. Start with easy questions and lead towards the harder ones
  • Take interviewee through the journey
  • At the end ask them if there is anything they would like to talk about
  • Finish by brining them back to reality


Release Forms:

Print Media Release forms from Factory.
Ask for them to sign release forms half way through production. Change date
If under 18 ask for parents signature


In-Class Screenings: 

Screening – The Thin Blue Line by Errol Morris

  • Puts the words in the mouths of interviewees. Filmmaker trains interviewee how to answer questions. Answers are descriptive.


What questions are asked?
What do you remember the night of?
What happened the night of the signing

Errol Morris invented the Interrotron. Allows interviewee to look straight into camera between a reflective glass window

The Lord’s Tale

Screening – Geri – The Documentary by Molly Dineen

  • Filmmaker establishes strong relationship with subject that allows for a more accurate portrayal.

Screening – T is for Teacher

  • Rohan played a coaching role in the interview process

Free Resource: Kanopy Online Streaming service

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