Video Production: Planning for Fundraising Video

As part of our prototype we have chosen to produce 3 types of videos:

Corporate Video, Documentary Video and Fundraising video.

I am tasked with doing the Fundraising Video.

Where will it be seen:
Social Media (Facebook, twitter, youtube), Lentara Website, Lentara database

How Long?
2 Minutes – a suitable time to provide insight, but not lose the attention of the audience

Interviews to use:
3 or 4 of the men that can support the overall message and provide strong quotes as well as Anthony

B Roll:
Look through B Roll to collect the best overlay footage

What is needed:
A song to support the general tone of the video. Marking important parts in interviews in Premiere Pro. Colour grading.

What not to use:
As mentioned by Seth, don’t include interviews that put them in a bad light. One of the interviewees stood in an awkward position and the shot wouldn’t be very pleasing to look at. A shot like this shouldn’t be used.

Empathy through perspective

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