Kristin Stevenson Presentation – RMIT 2006 Alumni and World Vision

Kristin Stevenson – RMIT 2006 Alumni – Honours

World Vision

“Creative Design” – The Struggle is real but worth it!

Human centred design – What they’ve learnt

  • Comms and comms design students studied separately. Companies need to work together. Need an ability to collaborate
  • Needs to engage in the workplace

The responsibilities of a Video producer at World Vision

  1. Video Storytelling
  2. Engage Storytelling
  3. Film Overseas
  4. Video producing
  5. Managing client relationships

Comms Creative Design Timeline

2008 – 2010 – Mostly Outsourced

2010 – 2011 – Employed a creative director

2012 – 2014 – Diversified Creative Development among teams

2014 – Began working in multi disciplinary creative teams

2015 – Employed art director with agency experience

2015 – Government funding design decreased giving USD most of the team made redundant

2016 – Those who remain still continue of with the HCD banner

Included: Video producers, social media, ux design, etc.

“Constantly fighting to have creative freedom. Fight for creative space”

What has been learnt…

“Always create for your target audience…”

  • Demographic Segmentation
  • Attidunial Segmentation
  • Behavioural segmentation

People who cry a lot

Rational Pragmatist…

Attitudinal Segmentation detracted from good storytelling

  • Pragmatic Segment stories were overly dry
  • Can be overly emotional – Needs to be more well rounded. People get sick of this. (Example of World Vision ad)
  • Example – News Segment style – Nothing to draw in audience

Use audience segmentation – Focus on look and feel

“…A great or interesting story is about everyone or it will not last”

How Human Centred Design regards audience

  • Recognise gut instinct Broad spectrum
  • What is their understanding
  • Listen to audience, even those on the periphery
  • Insights

Case Study – World Vision gifts

Audience Insights

– Worried about recipient response to just getting card

– New gift buyers don’t understand how gifts work

“Focus on easy option. Too much on plate”

How might we – Reassure gift buyers

Explain how gift works

Keep duration to 1:30


  • Feature a seasoned Australian Gifts buyer
  • It’s going to be really daggy

Example: Granny gives a gift and who is affected (Elements: Granny, Kids)

“Not World vision telling the story”

Also used Instagram and Facebook of Kids getting gifts (Another campaign: Jorge campaign)

Gave them room on how they would produce

Case Study – Jetstar’s Starkers

Brief: Show a 3 minute kid in 7 days

100 hours of archived footage

Creative Solution: Rapid Design

30 minute – Understand session

Idea Session

Concept: Sensory moments

Universal to human experience

Didn’t do 3 minutes. Chose 1:30

Moral of the story…

– Spend time on Creative development/design to save time, but do so rapidly

No time to overthink creativity

  • Don’t jump to execution before you have created a concept

Creative design keeps creatives happy

Example: “Birkman Personality Test”

  • Be aware of what affects you creatively. Positively and negatively

…Create something out of nothing

Case Study – Syrian Refugee Crisis

Create campaign in one week


  • Script in one day
  • Filmed in two hours
  • Edit and voice over completed the next day

Example: Voice over

“Matching creativity with resource”

Moral of the story… Turn a lack of resources in to a creative opportunity

Creative Design: “Takes a long time to implement”

Speed Bumps:

  • Clients want to be involved but there is often push back from creative teams. The need to extract information. Not always know what they want. It’s how you take clients through the creative process.
  • No time for prototyping. Can lead to half baked executions. NFP – No time for prototyping
  • Some people just want to be workhorses
  • Over complicating the creativity rather than looking for simple ideas. Good ideas stick – Realise it if possible. Take ego out of room

Moral…Become an advocate for Human Centred Design

Example: “Save Africa mock ad”

Interactive Advertising – Interactivising

Merges media and real life experience

Example: Fashion Revolution: Social experiment – Buy $2 Shirt or Donate

Example: Guns with History – Social Experiment –

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