Notes from presentation to Lentara


Ann Maree Colborne – CEO

Sam Sondhi – Director Growth & Strategy

Jeff Jones

Men’s Shed Presentation to Lentara


Research social value and social impact to solve social issues

What’s in it for them?

Potential Expansion

How can you measure benefits?

There is no one solution that can solve the issues

Asylum Seeker

Tell the story of the Asylum Seeker

Tell their story through artwork – Paintings

Social Media Campaign targeting young adults: What is Home?


Community Engagement: Print – Posters with artwork

Feedback: Moving away from print

Asylum Seeker – Women

Re-Branding – Asylum seeker for women lacks awareness

Uniting women

Where does the money go infographics

Social Media

“Let’s make it happen”

Posters – Women identity



Inspiration – Positive message posters

Posted around Melbourne and Social Media

Workshop – Involve them in activities

Photography – Showcased – positive message – community involvement

T-Shirt Design workshop

Activity involvement


A collection of personal objects

Gallery space design to foster engagement

Feedback: Great simple ideas. Like be-Branding

T-shirts can cause racial tensions. Proposed other clothing items. How to tackle corporate? Uniting Women is much bigger than just Men’s Shed.

Lentara Identity

“We’re good at what we do, but don’t tell our story well”

Print consolidation

Cut out – Too expensive?

Stats, information

Social Media

Allows creativity


Chat – How can they get involved

News articles –

Short videos

Digital Media

Not being promoted to its full potential

Feedback: Needs to adopt instagram. Not for profit needs dynamic thinking. Focus on Digital. Fashion a character of what Lentara is.

Clothing Bin

Label + Clothing Boxes

Track boxes


Feedback: Bins need to be inside

Shower Bus

Branding – Lenny and Tara as characters

Decals on bus

Crowdfunding campaign

Making a video to post on social media

Mock up of page

50% of successful campaigns have a video, 30% of campaigns don’t

Feedback: Needs to see research of it’s needs. By creating the character it created more opportunities. Branding could kick start the campaign.

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