Where to from here? Prototype focus

Panel notes:

  • Concentrate on social value and social impact
  • “There is no one solution that can solve the issues.” Sam Sondhi’s supporting the targeting of corporate and community
  • Threat to continual support: Difficulties in measuring benefits
  • What is in it for me? (corporate sponsors).
  • Refresh active marketing
  • Compelling stories
  • Statistics – evidence of outcomes – how this initiative helps men? (Check with Sam on deets)?
  • Research CEO follow up

Ann Marie sees Men’s Shed as Phase One. Potential for expansion. i.e. Youth Shed, Women’s Shed


Prototype focus:

  • Produce videos that will be edited for different audiences: Corporate, documentary and fundraiser.
  • Redesign and consolidate website which will be a platform for one of the videos
  • Add a new logo that will be incorporated onto the website
  • Focus on “Concept”

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