The Men’s Shed

The group that has been tasked with the Men’s Shed as it’s initiative consists of three students from the Media program (myself, Michael and Matt) and two from the design (Chasmin and Rizki). Michael will act as our liaison and be the first point of contact between our group and Lentara, whether that be through Jeff or a person who manages The Men’s Shed group.

The unique quality about this initiative compared to the others is its direct impact towards the individual on an emotional level and mental well-being.

Ahead of our initial contact with Lentara, our group will need to decide how we make our approach. What questions do we ask?

Potential Questions:

  • What is the ultimate goal of The Men’s Shed? (Keep people connected with society. Connect people with opportunities. Are they looking to increase involvement in the Men’s Shed?)
  • What growth would they want to see in Men’s Shed? (Do you want more involvement? Increase activities.)
  • What types of people go to The Men’s Shed? (Demographic.)
  • How do people get involved? (Do you approach them?)
  • What benefits have you seen from The Men’s Shed initiative? (Specific examples.)
  • What can our group do for The Men’s Shed? (What we are capable of doing…Produce videos? Do they want a documentary format? Do they want 30sec-1min ad which summarises what The Men’s Shed is?)
  • How can The Men’s Shed be supported? (Donations. Collaboration with other organisations/companies)

Understanding the ethics involved:
Remain open approach to what can be achieved (i.e. Seth had to gain trust of family before they were comfortable). Wait to be invited in.

Not for profit sector: Ethics is paramount

Jeff is first liaison. Wait for the go ahead from Seth. Discuss with managers. Refer back to Seth and Pete for big decisions.

What is a Return Brief:
A statement to the client. Sum up what’s been said and observed. Highlight key opportunities. Used by lawyers to clarify the objective. Document can be updated often.

Mood board – Examples. What do other people do

Current info about The Men’s Shed Initiative (From Lentara website):

The Men’s Shed creates an opportunity for men to participate in their local community, share their experiences, find companionship and grow in confidence and self-worth. The program provides men with information about community services and general support and referral.

The Men’s shed is a meeting place where men can talk, yarn, laugh and relax. The Men’s shed is also a place to learn new skills and participate in activities and gain access to men’s health and wellbeing information.

Address Details:
Sunshine Mission
A: 32 Withers Street, Sunshine Vic 3032
P: (03) 9311 5900

Operating Hours:
Wednesday – 10am to 2pm (Social and Men’s Health and Wellbeing)
Friday – 9.30am to 12.30pm (Projects using tools)

Who can visit the Men’s Shed:
Men living in the city of Brimbank and surrounding suburbs
Men from diverse cultural, language and social back grounds
Men’s with mental health issues
Men who are unemployed or under-employed
Those who are over 18 years old
Men who have retired from work

How to Access:
To access the men’s shed program you can either be referred by another individual or agency or simply drop into the sunshine mission and enquiry with one of our team members.

Small community based projects using tools
Social outings
Sharing in fresh fruit and vegetables
Monthly exercise sessions
Healthily food preparation classes
Regular working groups
Learn Technology

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