How can we help: The Lentara Initiatives

For the Lentara Studio, our assessment will be to work on a current or potential initiative proposed by Lentara. Lentara may use our ideas and/or media artefacts depending on how useful and relevent the work we do is for them. It would be quite the achievement if they go on to use our work, but how well we work as a group, but especially how well we collaborate with Lentara and discover how we can be an invaluable benefit for them will go a long way towards success.

These are the initiatives:

Clothing Bins:
Found all over the place. Spend a lot of time cleaning up rubbish near clothing bins. Cardboards in corporate businesses. Can’t get more than 4 boxes due to health hazards. Multi storey apartments. Leave bins there and collect. Conceptual idea. Design a bin, find out restrictions, what space is available, how can it fit. Where do the clothes go, the process, someone buys a shirt, money goes to the program.

Shower Bus:
How do we do this? Is it going to work? It’s an idea, a bus fitted with showers. Drive to homeless areas and the homeless can have showers. Provide towels soap, etc.? Yarra Valley. How is it sustainable…provide bus to events i.e runs, triathlons, sporting events. Who needs access to showers? Find out how it is valuable? The prototype designs. Research the needs of people who need to have a shower both the homeless and sporting events. What else can be added? Food?

Men’s Shed:
A program that gives a man something to do. Participating in their local community. Maybe lost his job.
Profiling the program. Range of people. What are they getting out of the program. How can people help. Need corporate support. All males only.
Tell a story. The experience.
Communal Justice Project – Met people who have left prison. Rebuild their life.
Emergency relief. People lose their job and they reach out to Lentara who can assist in relief.
Financial Counselling – They are assisted in how they are going to survive.

Asylum Housing:
Crowd funding video. $20000 from one person (a judge). Housing as a safe haven. How do you provide a house? Where from? How to model? “Oh that’s how I can”

Make aware and then find out how they can help. From start to finish, what is needed? Is it bigger than donating a house? This is what it has done to the people! Starting point is to make people aware of the program.

Lentara Identity:
Proposed by one of the students. TBD




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