Sketch Seven: Awkward Editing

Similar to sketch five, we wanted to explore how the replacement of high quality with low quality presentation impacts the overall quality of the video. For this sketch, we wanted to replace the clean editing with an awkward and jarring style.

This sketch was inspired by the insecure acting in sketch five. As a way to attempt to ‘cover up’ the awkwardness of the delivery of the dialogue, we thought it would be appropriate in achieving the broader aim of meeting both the genres of video review and parody if the video cut straight to the same sentence being reattempted, but altered to be easier to say. This shows Sam giving up on his initial wording, highlighting his insecurities rather than hiding them – the ‘intended’ impact of the cut.

The editing for this sketch was also inspired by Ben Alex Smith, whose video aims to show him out as an awkward character, aided by his acting (as said before) and the editing of the video. There are multiple jarring cuts that leave sentences unfinished or cut to odd silences that create a uncomfortable feeling, demonstrating how this technique in editing can be used in parody and to create comedy.

In furthering the idea of using awkward cutting for comedy, music could become an extra element. Where music would normally aid visuals, editing could be used to overlap music with spoken dialogue, drowning out the words spoken before awkwardly cutting off. This would make the video look badly put together.

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