So rather than buy new books to write in for uni, I just make use of some of my old books from school for subjects that only saw me using a couple of pages. I went to a Catholic school, so one of these subjects was obviously RE, which rarely involved a great deal of work – or at least not on my behalf. So, naturally, the book I am currently using for Network Media was once my Year 10 RE book. Only two pages had been taken up throughout my year 10 efforts, and these pages consisted of something pretty special: an assessment task in which I was to write a first person account of the Last Supper from the perspective of one of Jesus’ disciples. Here it is:
If you, for some ridiculous reason, can’t quite read the insightful piece, I’ve gone to the effort of typing it up exactly as it appears on the page (I think I have the rights to it*).
It was Passover. It was my first Passover with Jesus and I couldn’t wait. I realised that Jesus hadn’t said where we would be celebrating. The disciples and I asked Jesus, ‘Where do you want us to go and make the preparations?’
He sent a disciple and I into the city to meet a man and follow him. We did this and we began preparing for this big night. I was very curious about what Jesus would say or do tonight.
Finally the time came for the meal. Jesus and I walked in with the rest of the disciples and we all took our places. I was two seats from Jesus on the round table that we were to eat at. While we were eating, Jesus began to speak. ‘Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.’
Suddenly there was distress among the group as we said to each other, ’Surely, not I?’
I couldn’t imagine any of us betraying Jesus but if I had to guess I’d say Judis. He went onto say, ‘It’s one of the twelve, one who is dipping bread into the bowl with me. For the Son of Man, goes as it is written of him, but woe to that one by whom the son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that one not to have been born.’
This sounded very harsh to me but if someone betrayed me in this way I’d be the same. The distress continued amongst us as we wondered who it would be and in what context. I looked over at Jesus and he was calm as I’ve ever seen him. How could all this distress not affect him? That is one of the many questions I have of Jesus.
When the room calmed down abit we began eating again. Jesus then took a loaf of bread and blessed it. What was he doing? He broke it and then gave it to us. Now I was really confused. Then, he spoke, ‘Take, this is my body.’
What? He then took some wine and said, ‘This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.’, The rest of the disciples were looking as confused as I was. He continued, ‘Truly I tell you, I will never again drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.’
It was silent. This was unlike any Passover I had experienced. I couldn’t believe Jesus would go against the Jewish Passover like that but I had full belief in what he said and did.
Eventually everyone began talking again and I didn’t know it at the time but I had just been a part of something that would change the world forever.
So there it is. Where else could you find such insight, shown through lines like ‘…if I had to guess I’d say Judis.’? But seriously, what you just read was quite terrible, pretty embarrassing and a little hilarious. I don’t exactly have any strong purpose for posting this, but the fact that I kind of cringe when I read it makes me hate the thought that one day I might be cringing over my current self.
Got 95% by the way.
(all dialogue is quoted from The Bible)
*course relevance!
This was beautiful! “I couldn’t imagine any of us betraying Jesus”.
I agree Jane, just awe inspiring. I can’t believe you linked it to Networked Media so perfectly and succinctly!
Bravo. No, more like, Brava!