Zoom Exercise

Having never really worked with audio without visuals before, this exercise challenged me to focus on a medium that I often shy away from. I tried to keep in mind as much as possible the idea of treating much as we do visuals in terms…

Workshop Four: H2n Zoom Recording exercise

After watching everyone’s Brief 2 projects in a ‘mini film festival’, the bulk of this morning’s workshop focused on sound, following on from the readings and the lectorial. In order to prepare us for working with the H2n Zoom microphones to record the interview component…

Workshop Three: Editing and Self-Portraits

As a general rule, media students struggle without wi-fi. Until we were able to get a connection to the internet, we were given time in today’s workshop to edit our creative self-portraits. I’m happy with how my work is coming along, even though I know…

Haiku Exercise

After last weeks workshop, the haiku exercise was set in order to help us practice and improve our skills using Adobe Premiere Pro. I have worked with other versions of the software in the past, so although this is not my best work, it was…

Workshop Two: Hats and Haikus

In Thursday’s workshop, we used the coloured hat system as a way of giving constructive feedback to our classmates about their lo-fi media self-portraits. The system uses four different ‘hats’ to focus on different kinds of feedback. Red hat – signifies feelings, hunches and intuition Black…

Workshop One: Intro to Blogging

When I was told that I’d have to keep a blog as part of my assessment for Media 1, I was a little worried. I’ve never kept a blog before, and I rarely share my thoughts on the social media platforms I use. While I…