St. Kilda Film Festival Opening Night

Last night, I was fortunate enough to score a double pass to opening night of the St. Kilda Film Festival. As I’ve only just turned 18 in the last year, I haven’t really been to film festivals before, due to the fact that they’re exempt…

Recommended for you

Media sites are incredibly good at keeping us online by recommending more articles, videos or songs for us to consume based on our online history. Netflix uses as percentage to show me how likely I am to like a certain show or film. YouTube is…

One Year Lease

In today’s Cinema Studies screening, we watch two films. The main film was a documentary called “Grizzly Man”, but as I’d already seen this film a number of years ago, I was more interested in the short film we watched before it called “One Year…

Group meeting 2

Today we had our second group meeting for PB4. Now that everyone has finished they’re annotated bibliographies, we’ve started working on the script for the audio essay, as a rough cut is due by the end of next week. In order to spread the work…

The Nature of the Video Essay

We looked at a few examples of video essays in today’s workshop, to help us get a better understanding of what we need to do for Project Brief 4, and it reminded me of this video essay I found while I was making my VCE…

Group Meeting 1

There was a fair bit of stuff to get through in our first group meeting. Seeing as we haven’t had media classes for a week, none of us were entirely sure what we should be working on, but after wading through all of the handouts…

Experiments in Light and Motion

Last night, I went out with a group of friends to play pool at a place called Red Triangle to celebrate my friend Joanna’s 19th birthday. I decided to bring my new DSLR camera along, because as anyone who has visited Red Triangle before would…

The Demand for Information

I have watched and re-watched this video multiple times since I first saw it late last year as I find the way it discusses media consumption incredibly fascinating. After decades of totalitarian rule under Castro, the country has very little offical access to foreign media…

Campaign and Advancing a Cause Online

Outside of university, I volunteer with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC). Currently, we are halfway through a nation wide fundraising campaign, which naturally leads to campaigning on social media. As a grass roots organisation, AYCC relies on volunteers to run their campaigns, meaning the nature…

Starting a Conversation: Black-ish and Police Brutality

We’ve been discussing discourse a lot lately in Pop Culture, and it has made me think back through lots of different examples discourse I’ve seen in the media over the past few months. One example that has had a lasting influence on me is a…