Part 1:
For part 1 of exercise 1 we had to use the light available in the classroom without manipulating it to record an interview. This was somewhat restrictive, particularly as all the groups were working in the same space, so while some groups were able to move quickly and grab spots right near the only two windows with the light coming through, and could therefore achieve a greater contrast on their subjects face. However, regardless of where each group was set up, I noticed all of us had to move our subjects and cameras a great deal in order to get both the kind of lighting we wanted as well as desirable background.
Part 2:
For part 2, we were under the same circumstances except this time we were given two boards, one black and one white, which we could use to bounce the light back onto the subjects face. Having the boards enabled us to do a lot more experimenting, as each time we moved the board slightly, or changed from the black to the white, we ended up with very different looking shots. It will be interesting to see what kind of results we will be able to achieve using the boards in a different set up where we have more light, either natural or artificial, that we can manipulate.