Good Form: Assessment Task 1

One moment in this scene that I feel works well is the line “so what did the cat play?” It works well because there is a significant pause after the spiel about the lecture and it is clear the character has given up trying to convince their friend. The timing of the editing allows the change in tone of the conversation to flow easily.

I think the close up doesn’t work as well as it could have. The angle is a little too side on compared to the other shots in the scene, which makes it feel a little out of place. While it does help emphasis the line, I think it may be a bit too jarring.

If I was to repeat this exercise, I probably do a few more takes of each shot. If we had tried the closer up a number of times, we may have ended up with a nicer shot

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  1. jeremybowtell · August 4, 2016 at 6:40 am ·

    It’s good that you’ve identified the key moment in this script, and tried to emphasis this in your video. Also you’ve considered camera angles and the effect this has, so try to find examples of they way you think it should look and model your own work on that. Your reflection is fine for this task, but you’ll need to go into some more detail for future ones.