Sunday went OFF!

As you may not already know, I work at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre at South Wharf. I am a Customer Service Attendant so I basically help usher customers to various areas, show people to their seats, open and close doors, hand out flyers and get to watch various productions/concerts and speeches to name a few, live. I also get a radio so that makes me look pretty damn cool.

I absolutely love the job so far. Every day there is something different on and it makes it really exciting to come to work knowing that you’ll be doing or seeing different people from your last shift. I’m all about being kept on my toes and constant change!

This Sunday was one of those extra cool days where I got to work a concert. But this wasn’t just any concert… this was the A-mei, a mandarin popstar and so called ‘Pride of Taiwan’ who received a World Peace Music Award in 2004, and remains as the only Chinese performer to ever have won one.

Her stage presence was absolutely astonishing. She went from Heavy Metal, to Ballads to Dance Music all in the one night with hundreds of various dance moves, vocal tricks and more. Despite the fact I understood .1% of the concert (when she sung a few lines from Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars) (the whole show was in Mandarin), she was still able to give me those usual goosebumps and that feeling of wanting more from her.

Linked below are one of the songs that went off from the night. The song itself doesn’t even do justice for the live show but it’ll be interesting to see if she becomes a part of my Spotify playlist for 2016!


/ Self-Promo (tbh) /

I’ve decided to upload this lil cover I did of Sia’s Titanium. Singing is a huuuge passion of mine and I sort of wish I was doing that as my main career but it’s so good to have back-ups right! Plus I don’t think I would get very far.. HAHA.

anyway if you are reading this – give it a listen and tell me what you think xx

/ The Logies and Raising Awareness /

So as many Australian’s know, the inaugural ‘Logies’ of 2015 were held on Sunday evening with some fabulous guest stars including the likes of Ricky Martin and Meghan Trainor who performed their hit songs for the wonderful all celebrity audience.

Some of my favourite actors/singers were absolute stars on the red carpet including Nicole Da Silva (Figure 1), Asher Keddie (Figure 2), the Wonderland cast (Figure 3) and Delta Goodrem (Figure 4).

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(Figure 1)


(Figure 2)


(Figure 3)


(Figure 4)

There was your best dressed, worst dressed and the in betweeners. But the reason for this post is to congratulate the wonderful Carrie Bickmore on her first ever Gold Logie after about 4 previous nominations. Not only has she just had a baby (and she looks smashing (see images below)) but her speech was on a whole other level. Bickmore stated in an interview the morning after on Nova 100 that she was going to do the usual “thank-you” but had already done it before. She tossed up whether to end the night on a sad note with a sad story but decided that this was the best thing to do – and so she did rightly so!

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Bickmore looks stunning after just having a baby.. not even sure how she does it!

The contents of her speech included a blue beanie and a thank-you to her late Husband who died of Brain Cancer. The blue beanie was worn for the campaign ‘#BeaniesforBrainCancer’. Her emotional speech raised awareness for the deadly disease, something that has had many talking since because of how beautiful it truly was.

On The Project the next day, the whole crew wore beanies to raise awareness for Brain Cancer.


Personally I believe that this was an amazing thing to do. It is so important that we are all aware of how bad these illnesses are, and raising awareness is exactly what we need to do. Bickmore having had personal experience with the illness of course is more inclined to want to raise awareness, however we must respect those celebrities who use their power and fame to go out of their way to raise awareness for any type of illness/charity/cause. It is so important that celebs are doing this as they are often the most reached people in society and therefore their messages are more likely to get across to more people. It could be said that it in fact is easier for them to raise awareness as they are more popular than you and I so I believe that all celebrities should be doing their bit within society.

I hope that in the future I can follow in the footsteps of Bickmore and be as inspiring as her.

Congratulations Carrie. That Logie was so well deserved 🙂