Media Consumption

On Tuesday the 10th of March, a small group of RMIT Media 1 students went on a walk to the State Library to investigate Media Consumption in every day life. We sampled both inside and outside looking not only at eye level but above, below, under etc. I noticed that the most common forms of media usage were on iPhones, iPads, Macs and iPods which are popular Apple products.


Above eye-level (up high) Advertisements on trams and shops (e.g. Melbourne Central – a film poster for ‘Focus’ – a film starring Margot Robbie, children’s book festival banners and exhibition signs hanging around the outside/inside the library.


On the ground People crouching to take photos, flashing “open” signs designed to gage attention, ‘free tram zone’ (allowing Yarra Trams customers to understand that the city is now a free tram zone, giant chess board (promoting face-to-face interaction).


At eye level iPhones, iPods and iPads being used, branded t-shirts and also a Tibetan demonstration was happening on the steps of the State Library.

In the background Fast Food (McDonalds, Subway), people reading books/magazines (e.g. Who/Woman’s Weekly), people gazing at exhibition signs and statues to read the text, traditional tibetan songs (both in english and tibetan) + signs hanging around the protesters necks to raise awareness and commemorate the lives of tibetans whom have self-immolated and died in protest to China.

In the foreground/ In my hand Pamphlet/Brochure (given to our group by a Tibetan protest leader) and information brochures inside the library.

About samanthabeniacbrooks

My name is Samantha Beniac-Brooks but I prefer Sammy. I'm studying BComm Media and am interested in becoming in a Media Presenter. I love theatre, music, celebrities and anything to do with the media. This is my blog for RMIT Media 1.
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