/ Reflective Portfolio – Lecture 1 /

wk1  Media is re-learning [how, where and why we learn]

I found this lecture incredibly exciting as it was the first Media 1 lecture I had ever been to and in fact, the first university lecture I had ever been to.

We discussed the idea of learning and why we do it. There were readings about Hyper and Deep attention (deep attention characterised by a long period of focus on one object and hyper attention characterised by switching focus rapidly among different tasks). It was interesting as, as we read on, I found that hyper attention is more adaptive than deep attention in contemporary developed societies due to our overuse of technology enabling us to do more things at once. However there is an argument that questions how much better hyper attention is than deep attention considering there is a lack of focus which in my opinion can be unsafe in certain situations.

In this weeks lecture the topic of learning and how we learn was discussed. We were made to reflect on the ways in which learn as well as touching on the things we wish to learn. When thinking about what I would like to learn, I think it would mostly be learning to be placed more often outside of my comfort zone doing activities that I wouldn’t normally do. I wish to show off more of my creativity as in the past I have not been able to do this. I think when thinking about the career path in which I wish to follow, it is important to be more confident in the work that I do and to make mistakes that I will learn from. The most challenging aspect of this course will be keeping up with the work load as often when I lose track, I find it difficult to get back to where I was. I think also having to do tasks that I may not like may be difficult but I definitely want to learn to step outside of my comfort zone.

I am incredibly excited about this course as I know that it will teach me so many things related to the media presenting career path that I want to follow as well as giving me skills in other areas that may help me in other areas of work or life in general!


About samanthabeniacbrooks

My name is Samantha Beniac-Brooks but I prefer Sammy. I'm studying BComm Media and am interested in becoming in a Media Presenter. I love theatre, music, celebrities and anything to do with the media. This is my blog for RMIT Media 1.
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