WK6 LECTORIAL: collabz
The first part of week six’s lectorial saw a lady from the library (didn’t get her name) come in and talk to us about all things library. From utilising the online library search, using Google Scholar as an RMIT student and lightly scabbing of La Trobe University’s online tool to help with referencing – luvs it.
We then moved on to the theme of Collaboration. Instead of rambling on about the matter and what was shared between the class, I will try and sum up the PowerPoint as succinctly as possible.
Bad vs. Good Experiences w/ COLLABORATION (obvs aiming to achieve the good)
– you end up doing all of the work, but ya crumby group members get the credit
– other group members seem to disappear off the face of the earth
– you cannot express your true ideas and opinion
– no compromise can be made
– project lacks unity and dies :'(
– problems are solved by fluent communication and processes of evaluation
– ideas get passed around like a beach ball at a Nickleback concert (just kidding about the Nickleback concert)
– trust falls
– maintain focus and drive
– share the workload (duh)
What collaboration is good for..
– develops leadership AND teamwork
– gain experience in negotiation and conflict resolution
– practice in professional communication
– make frandz
– share and deepen you knowledge in the disciplinary area
The 7 Angels of POSITIVE collaboration
1) Clear Objectives
2) Good Communication
3) Consistency
4) Respect
5) Support
6) Responsibility
7) Equitability
In all, don’t be a dick and contribute to the group with 100% good intentions.